17 August 2010

My (Spontaneous) Musical Quotes

"like a courtyard starving for a suspects, i try hard enough everytime i try"

"yesterday was a quarter note, today was eight,
hope tomorrow will be thirty second while you shower me with your kindness"

"the dark diving chorus has passed. now we can put the last tunnel notes in our bright upbeat resolution"

"flat or sharp, it doesn't matter, as long as you teach me that coda with our instrument of caress"

"let me fix that broken valve and you fix my broken kevlar, so we can tune in he same notes again,
and finish this blissful song"

"Just like 5 basses in unison pattern, we'll always sound as one instrument, in our heartbeat phrases"


  1. gombal gombal gombal. pagi siang sore malem. ckckck, kepiting. hahaha.

  2. jgn macem2 deh...mau gw post juga gombalan balesan lo??hehehehe...

  3. dan yang paling penting...masih disimpen kan gombalannya?

    jgn maen ceng2an deh...kalah ntar...gw jago bgt kalo udah ceng2an...

  4. nyai nya kan lo? lo nyai gw apa?
