21 July 2010

Benarkah ini saya??

Tiba2 di kereta jd kepikiran, saya bener2 pengen tau, saya orang yg seperti apa sih? Apa sih yang pengen saya lakuin? Apa yang berharga buat saya? Dan lainnya…tapi saya bingung harus mulai dari mana, jadi saya memutuskan, untuk memulainya dari segi Astrologi…yup, saya adalah seorang Cancer, si kepiting, yang dikenal sensitive…tapi sensitive yang seperti apa? Setelah mencari, saya menemukan beberapa hal, mungkin yang saya masukkan disini lebih cenderung hal2 positif mengenai Cancer, yang negative biar menjadi bahan renungan saya…here we go!

1. It can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, and famous Cancerians are to be found through the whole range of human activity. It is a fundamentally conservative and home-loving nature, appreciating the nest like quality of a secure base to which the male can retire when he needs a respite from the stresses of life.

2. Nest for a Cancerian is a place which belongs to the family rather than existing as a showcase to impress visitors.

3. For them there is a time to socialize and a time to be solitary, and this is part of the apparent contradiction in their nature.

4. Outwardly they can appear formidable - thick-skinned, unemotional, uncompromising, obstinately tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd, intuitive and wise, sometimes with a philosophical profundity of thought verging on inspiration.

5. Their intimates, however, may see a very different character, one with a sympathetic and kindly sensitivity to other people, especially those they love. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations.

6. They are often over-imaginative and prone to fantasy, sometimes trying to shape their lives to fit some romantic ideal. They are appreciative of art and literature, and especially of drama, where the spectacle and ebb and flow of action and feeling particularly excite them. They may themselves possess considerable literary, artistic or oratorical talent.

7. If they can reconcile the personal conflict of their urge to be outgoing with the reserve that causes them to withdraw into themselves, then at best they can inspire a generation, especially the youthful part of it, by their idealism. A job in which they can express this, and in which they can do well, would be as a leader in a youth organization.

8. In their personal relationships they are mentally a mixture of toughness and softness, often emotional and romantic to the point of sentimentality in their fantasies.

9. Their first loyalty remains to spouse and family, of whom they regard themselves as the protector. Both Cancerian man and woman love unreservedly, giving much and asking little in return. one of the most important lessons they have to learn is how to receive gracefully.

10. Cancerians have a retentive memory, particularly for emotionally laden events which they can recall in detail for years afterwards. they are strongly governed by childhood memories and since they live intensely in the past in memory and in the future in imagination.

11. The Cancerian has many potential faults. They can be untidy, sulky, devious, moody, inclined to self-pity because of an inferiority complex, brood on insults (very often imagined).

12. they can be good journalists, writers or politicians, though in this last capacity they are more likely to remain in the background rather than attain prominent positions of power.

13. The romantic side of their natures make them enjoy grubbing about in places where exciting discoveries may be made (old stamp collections in attics, etc.), and if they can do this professionally as a secondhand dealer or specialist in antiques, they will be happy. More common occupations which suit some subjects of Cancer are real estate broker, gardener and sailor.

Oke baiklah...saya memang penggemar kolom "zodiakmu hari ini" di majalah2...


  1. yaudah, kalo engga jadi pelawak, jadi gardener aja tuh. pas kan? hahahahaha

  2. gw tetep mau jadi masinis...mmmm...tp ga deh setelah perjalanan ke jogja kmrn hehe
