The Tallest Man On Earth - The Gardner (ada disini)
I sense a runner in the garden
Although my judgements known to fail
Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail
I know the runner's going to tell you
There ain't no cowboy in my hair
So now he's buried by the daisies
So I could stay the tallest man in your eyes, babe
I sense a spy up in the chimney
From all the evidence I've burned
I guess he'll read it in the smoke now
And soon to ashes I'll return
I know the spy is going to tell you
It's not my flag up in the pole
So now he's buried by the lilies
So I could stay forever more in your eyes, babe
I sense a leak inside my phone now
From all the lies I have told
I know he has your private number
And soon he'll make that vicious call
I know the leak is going to tell you
There ain't no puppy in your leash
So now he'll fertilize the roses
So I could stay the king you see
In your eyes, babe
So now we're dancing through the garden
And what a garden I have made
And now that death will grow my jasmine
I find it soothing I'm afraid
Now there is no need for suspicion
There ain't no frog kissing your hand
I won't be lying when I tell you
That I'm a gardner I'm a man
In your eyes babe
Although my judgements known to fail
Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail
I know the runner's going to tell you
There ain't no cowboy in my hair
So now he's buried by the daisies
So I could stay the tallest man in your eyes, babe
I sense a spy up in the chimney
From all the evidence I've burned
I guess he'll read it in the smoke now
And soon to ashes I'll return
I know the spy is going to tell you
It's not my flag up in the pole
So now he's buried by the lilies
So I could stay forever more in your eyes, babe
I sense a leak inside my phone now
From all the lies I have told
I know he has your private number
And soon he'll make that vicious call
I know the leak is going to tell you
There ain't no puppy in your leash
So now he'll fertilize the roses
So I could stay the king you see
In your eyes, babe
So now we're dancing through the garden
And what a garden I have made
And now that death will grow my jasmine
I find it soothing I'm afraid
Now there is no need for suspicion
There ain't no frog kissing your hand
I won't be lying when I tell you
That I'm a gardner I'm a man
In your eyes babe
Ini lagu dari The Tallest Man On Earth, yg sangat sering gw puter. Pertama kali denger bukan main jatuh cintanya gw ma lagu ini…lebay, tp ga boong. Setelah gw liat liriknya gw jd makin jatuh cinta.kalo ni artist di iTunes bs interaksi ma kita, dy pasti udah bilang “woy, cape nyet nyanyi mulu!!gw beli senar dlu, putus nih udah 3!”. Mmmm…ok, that’s drama…
Kalo menurut gw, lagunya tipe “just-another -love-songs” yg akan sering kita puter. Is it sooo teenagers-i-hate-life-and-school- sucks-so-i-could-kill-myself-with-just-a-fork-and-a-beer-can?? Nope! Yang bikin menarik adalah ide gimana dia menggambarkan struggle yg dia lakuin utk kekasihnya. Tidak dgn kalimat langsung, tp metaphor (I love metaphor and analogy…much!), dgn penggambaran sebuah ‘taman’, dan dia sebagai ‘tukang kebunnya’ (gardener ma gardner beda ga?apa Cuma karena cara dia nyanyi ya?)
Emang lagu ini bikin multi interpretasi bgt. Tp menurut gw, yg perlu diliat tuh (ada bbrp kata kunci) “sense” sama “runner-spy-leak”. Runner dkk ini bukan seseorang atau sesuatu, tp kaya bentuk inner strugglenya dia, sesuatu yg ga nyata, keburukan (mgkn) dia. Yg dia takutin akan jadi boomerang buat dia dlm hubungan dia dgn kekasihnya. Dan dia make kata “sense” bukan “see” (misalnya) disini, yg artinya ‘merasakan’, kalo gw anggepnya kaya bentuk paranoidnya dia. Kalo kita berhalusinasi, kita ‘merasa’ ada sesuatu kn? Apa blm pernah berhalusinasi??haha…
Si “runner” bercerita kaya si vokalis tuh suka melakukan kesalahan yg seharusnya ga dia lakuin (steamboat in the meadow). Dan gw belum tau yg dimaksud ‘cowboy’ ma dia apa. Dan kenapa ‘hair’? “Spy” juga gitu, kaya kesalahan masa lalu yg berusaha dia hilangkan, tp sebenrnya bukti2 halusnya masi suka terlihat. “Leak” dia berhalusinasi sesuatu akan ‘menelepon’ pasangannya dan cerita ttg kekurangan si vokalis.
Btw, apa kalimat ini “I know the leak is going to tell you,There ain't no puppy in your leash” maksudnya kaya ‘sesuatu’ ini memprovokasi pasangannya bahwa “eh dia tuh ga bakalan patuh ma lo, seperti anak anjing” (puppy in ur leash)--------> He (vokalis) is not like a yes-mam! Puppy. Kaya gitu ga? Gw menafsirkan seperti itu.
Anyway, tapi dari semua ‘inner-struggle’ dia, sifat2 buruk, ketika si vokalis bisa menang lawan itu semua, dia kaya sedang menanam, memupuk, dan menyuburkan ‘bunga2’ yang dia siapkan di ‘taman’ yang dia bikin untuk kekasihnya.
2 verse terakhir cerita tentang gimana akhirnya dia berhasil menyelesaikan ‘taman’ yg dia buat untuk kekasihnya. Dan tetap seperti biasa, kematian dari keburukan dia akan semakin menyuburkan dan memperindah ‘taman’ yang dia buat. Dan gw paling suka verse terakhir, dia kaya bilang ke kekasihnya
Now there is no need for suspicion
There ain't no frog kissing your hand
I won't be lying when I tell you
That I'm a gardner I'm a man
In your eyes babe
There ain't no frog kissing your hand
I won't be lying when I tell you
That I'm a gardner I'm a man
In your eyes babe
“walopun taman ini susah buatnya dan sekarang sangat indah, bukan berarti gw seorang pangeran super seperti di cerita yg bisa berubah dr kodok jd manusia, atau kaya Midas yg bisa bikin emas dari sentuhannya. Gw bikin ini dengan susah payah, dengan kemampuan yang terbatas dari gw sebagai manusia, tp gw akan tetap berusaha menjadi ‘tukang kebun’ yg baik, supaya taman ini tetap indah, nyaman dan damai untuk kita bermain dan melepas penat di tengah2 bisingnya dan kotornya dunia”
Yup ini kisah seseorang yang berusaha membuat sesuatu agar dia selalu menjadi orang yang berharga di mata orang2 yg dia sayangi.
Again…another Gold for the dying and furious soul from the folk scene. Love it very much!
check this source. maybe this can be a little help to complete your analysis:
makasih della... =)